Keep your Stomach Cancer Free Advice From Gastro Surgeon

Stomach health should be your primary health priority, as you eat thrice daily. But how frequently do you think about your gut health beyond occasional discomfort or that extra chili you shouldn't have eaten last night? Most individuals ignore gut health until it's an issue. A prominent Gastro Doctor in Agra says there are simple things you can do daily to maintain your stomach healthy and minimize your chance of stomach cancer.

Get Screened for H. Pylori

H. pylori screening should be your first priority. This little bacterium causes most stomach ulcers and malignancies. Good news—a simple blood, breath, or stool test can identify it. Antibiotics kill H. pylori readily. Ask your doctor about testing, especially if you have a family history of stomach cancer or ulcers.

Avoid Obesity

Obesity prevention is crucial to stomach cancer prevention. Weight strains the stomach and increases intestinal inflammation. Losing weight, especially around the midsection, is crucial.

A Gastro Surgeon in Agra says, "Obesity and being overweight are major risk factors for stomach cancer." He advises keeping a healthy weight and reducing obesity or overweight weight.

Healthy eating includes plenty of fruits and vegetables

Eat less processed food, red meat, sugar, salt, and more fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. Eat 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, especially vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lycopene-rich citrus fruits, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, and carrots. These chemicals kill cancer.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol

Smokers are at high risk for stomach cancer. Quitting reduces danger even later in life. Limit alcohol to one drink per day for women and two for males. Heavy, long-term drinking causes stomach cancer.

Practice good hygiene

Before eating and cooking, wash your hands to avoid stomach cancer-causing illnesses. Keep raw meat utensils and cutting boards separate and wash them. Foodborne infections, including H. pylori and Hepatitis A and B viruses, increase stomach cancer risk.


So there, from a top stomach specialist doctor in Agra. Following these steps can help you maintain a healthy stomach and minimize your cancer risk. Fortunately, most of these suggestions are easy lifestyle modifications you may start immediately.

Increase whole foods, control your weight, quit smoking, and limit alcohol and red meat. Regularly exercise and reduce stress. If you detect digestive problems or have a family history of stomach difficulties, consult your doctor immediately.

Your stomach is vital to your health; treat it well! Preventing disease and receiving suggested tests are the finest presents you can offer yourself and your family.