Potty Training Success Avoiding Constipation in Little One

You're hoping your child would potty train! You observe their constipation while celebrating their small victories. Best Gastro Doctor in Agra can help you for your kid’s constipation problem. There are some simple ways to assist your child in staying regular during this transition and keeping their potty skills and bowels intact.

When to Start Potty Training to Prevent Constipation

Potty training toddlers too early might cause constipation since their bodies still develop bowel control and coordination. Most children are ready for potty training by 18-24 months, but waiting until 2 years reduces constipation risk.

Communicating Needs

Your toddler is ready for potty training when they can tell you they must go to the toilet before, during, or after using it. It usually happens around age 2.

Regular Bowel Movements

Find a daily pattern in your toddler's bowel movements. Potty training is more likely to have a predictable routine. Most 2-year-olds have 1-2 bowel motions daily at the same time.

Handling Potty Training Setbacks and Constipation

There are ways to get toilet training back on track and reduce your child's pain.

Take More Fluids

Keep your youngster hydrated with water and diluted fruit juice. Try 6-8 cups daily. More fluids soften feces, making them easier to pass. This can get toilet training going again.

Provide High-Fiber Foods

Regularity is promoted by fiber. Eat beans, whole grains, and fresh produce for fiber. Prunes and prune juice also help kids with constipation.

Give Probiotics

Gut probiotics introduce beneficial microorganisms. Probiotics are in live-culture yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi. These aid digestion and gut health. Try an infant probiotic supplement.


In the end, patience, listening to your child, and letting them learn at their own pace are key. Have fun, and don't worry about mishaps. Maintain fiber, fluids, and exercise. If constipation occurs, call your gastro Doctor in Agra. It doesn't have to derail potty training or last long. Mama, this will pass! With some care, this next big step will be OK for you and your child.Dr.Karan R Rawat who is best gastroenterologist and liver doctor. They will provide best treatment of constipation for your liltle champ.