Basic Treatments to Soothe and Treat Gastric Disorders

After overeating greasy pizza or wine, your stomach wants to revolt. Everyone's been there. Gastric issues like acid reflux, heartburn, ulcers, and more are sadly frequent. If your stomach is upset, this article will cover several simple remedies you have in your kitchen. This guide to taming the stomach beast at home covers what to eat, what to avoid, and visit for Gastroenterologist in Agra you can make in minutes. Let's begin!

Basic Gastric Disorder Treatments

Changes in diet

The things you eat affect gut health. Choose mild, easily digestible foods like bananas, muesli and rice. Avoid spicy, greasy, or acidic foods that upset your stomach. Instead of 2-3 big meals, eat 4-6 small ones throughout the day for smoother digestion.


Drink plenty of water and other clear drinks to avoid dehydration and flush stomach acid. Pedialyte, warm tea with honey, and warm water with lemon can replace fluids and electrolytes. However, avoid alcohol, coffee, and sugary drinks that worsen symptoms.

Get Probiotics

Probiotics improve digestion and intestinal health by adding healthy bacteria. Live-cultured yoghurt, kefir, miso, kimchi, and sauerkraut are good sources. Before using probiotic supplements, consult your doctor, especially if you're on other medications.

Reduce Stress

Stress can damage your stomach. Try yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or moderate exercise to relax. Sleep enough, reduce screen time before bed, and do relaxing hobbies. Stress management reduces symptoms and improves intestinal health.


Stomach ache isn't permanent. You may treat gastrointestinal troubles at home with several simple, natural remedies. Beginner diet and lifestyle modifications include avoiding trigger foods, lowering stress, and staying hydrated. Herbal medicines like ginger, peppermint, and chamomile also work. If symptoms persist, consult best gastroenterologist in Agra and discuss treatment options. You can heal your stomach with a customised treatment plan. Being proactive with stomach care is very crucial. You should feel great!