Post Piles Surgery Diet and Avoidance Foods

After undergoing piles surgery (hemorrhoidectomy), it's essential to follow a specific diet to aid recovery and minimize discomfort. Here’s a concise guide on the foods to eat and avoid after piles surgery:

Foods to Eat

1. High-Fiber Foods: Consuming high-fiber foods helps prevent constipation, a common issue post-surgery. Include fruits like apples, pears, and bananas, vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and spinach, and whole grains like oats and barley in your diet.

2. Fluids: Staying hydrated is crucial. Drink plenty of water, herbal teas, and other non-caffeinated beverages to help soften stool and maintain hydration.

3. Stool Softeners: While not a food, stool softeners may be recommended by your doctor to ease bowel movements during recovery.Piles Specialist Doctor in Agrasuggests that patients should consume these foods in small portions and avoid anything that might cause constipation.

Foods to Avoid

1. Spicy Foods: Avoid spicy foods as they can irritate the digestive system and exacerbate pain and swelling at the surgical site.

2. Low-Fiber Foods: Limit consumption of low-fiber foods like meat, dairy, and processed foods, which can lead to harder stools and constipation.

3. Caffeine and Alcohol: Both can dehydrate the body and potentially worsen hemorrhoidal symptoms. It’s best to avoid these beverages to support healing.


If you've undergone piles surgery or are considering treatment for piles, choosing the right care facility is crucial. Dr. Karan R Rawat at the Safe Surgery Center is the Best Doctor for Piles in Agra, known for his expertise and compassionate care. Following surgery, Dr. Rawat and his team offer personalized dietary advice to ensure a smooth recovery and minimize the risk of recurrence.

For personalized care and expert guidance following piles surgery, visit the Safe Surgery Center. Under the direction of Dr. Karan R Rawat, you can expect comprehensive support throughout your recovery. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or learn more about effective post-surgery care. Trust your recovery to the best—Dr. Karan R Rawat at the Safe Surgery Center.