How to Cure Piles and Their Causes

Haemorroids are a common condition that is characterized by swollen and enlarged veins present in the anal area. Piles cause great discomfort. Nearly about 40 million people are affected by piles but the actual incidence is not known due to cultural and socio-economic reasons. There are various stages of piles that are described below.

1. Early-stage haemorroids bleed but do not prolapse.

2. Second-stage piles prolapse but return to the original state.

3. The third phase can be reduced by surgeries.

4. Fourth-degree haemorrhoids are permanently prolapsed and cannot be reduced.


It usually happens during advancing age which causes the supporting tissues in the anal canal to become weak and chronic constipation may exert pressure on the tissues in the anal resulting in piles. Facing severe problems consult Dr. Karan Rawat Piles Specialist Doctor in Agra who has 10 years of experience in this field.

Possible causes

1. Straining during bowel movement.

2. Long hours of sitting, especially on the toilet.

3. Having constipation or diarrhea.

4. Having obesity

5. Anal sexual intercourse, which can irritate haemorrhoids.

Cure and Treatment

1. Make Dietary Changes

Making significant changes in your lifestyle can bring huge impacts such as increasing fiber intake through diet or supplements can soften stools and reduce strain during bowel movements.

2. Medications

Medications prove to be beneficial if suffering from piles. They come in various forms including suppositories, ointments, and pads. One can buy from the nearest pharmacy.

  • Zinc oxide-containing creams help with irritation.
  • Witch hazel may provide temporary relief.
  • Steroids reduce inflammation.
  • Lidocaine helps improve the symptoms of pain and itching due to haemorroids.

If there are third or fourth-degree haemorrhoids then the doctor suggests surgery that involves the complete removal of external haemorrhoids or prolapsed internal haemorrhoids. If you are moving head for surgery recommend Dr. Karan Rawat laparoscopic surgeon and the best doctor for piles in Agra who helps in making your life peaceful and worth living.