The Silent Danger and What Happens If a Fistula is Left Untreated

Regarding health matters, certain ailments necessitate prompt attention, but others could appear less critical but might cause silent damage if neglected. Fistulas belong to the latter group. Ignoring a fistula can have major ramifications down the road, even though they may not always show signs right away.

Understanding Fistulas

Let's first discuss what fistulas are and what happens to them before discussing their consequences. An irregular opening or connection that develops between two organs or between an organ and the skin is called a fistula. You should always check from a fistula doctor in agra.

The Dangers of Neglect

Infection Escalation

The development of infections is one of the most serious consequences of untreated fistulas. Untreated fistulas have the potential to harbor germs and waste products as they facilitate the passage of waste materials or other substances between organs or tissues. There are many Best fistula doctor in agra.

Chronic Pain and Discomfort

If left untreated, a fistula can result in ongoing pain and discomfort. Constant fluid or waste material flow through the aberrant tract irritates surrounding tissues, causing pain and inflammation. This can have a serious negative effect on someone's quality of life by making daily tasks uncomfortable and challenging.

Complications with Bowel Movements

If anal fistulas are left untreated, it might cause problems for the bowel movements. A persistent leak, soiled underwear, and trouble managing bowel motions can occur from fluid or feces draining through the fistula.

Formation of Secondary Tracts

If left untreated, fistulas can develop into secondary tracts or branches over time. The problem becomes more complicated as a result of these extra channels, making treatment more difficult.


Untreated fistulas can have significant effects on a person's health and well-being, even though they may not always cause obvious symptoms. The consequences of leaving fistulas untreated are substantial, ranging from worsening infections and persistent pain to difficulties with bowel motions and the development of secondary tracts. Dr. Karan R Rawat is best gastro specialist at a safe surgery center.