Proctologists and the Work They Do

In medical terms, proctologists are specialized surgeons who treat conditions related to the colon and rectum. The colons are defined as the large intestine, and the rectum is the last part of the large intestine that is closest to the anus. Proctologist doctor in Agra Dr. Karan Rawat treats conditions like hemorrhoids, infections, anal conditions, inflammatory bowel disease and colon and rectal cancer.

These proctologists are known as colon and rectal surgeons who have great skills and knowledge of the intestinal system to treat an individual through the entire journey of an intestinal disease from diagnosing to treating and performing surgery to post-surgery cases. Regular intestinal health is recorded through routine screenings and follow-ups to prevent colon and rectal diseases.

In today's time, proctologists are referred to as colorectal surgeons. Dr. Karan Rawat is the best proctologist doctor in Agra, he is well-versed in a wide range of diagnostic and surgical treatments. You can visit the Safesurgery center and meet him in person. There are various procedures included in proctology.



Examination of the rectal cavity with digital technology

Ultrasound of the endorectal cavity



When to consult a proctologist?

Anytime you experience the following symptoms get medical advice.



Anal discomfort

Unpleasant discharge from the anus

Anal warts

Fecal incontinence



If you are facing problems with your rectum, anus, or gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to take appropriate action. As the impact of these diseases might be serious, thus early detection and treatment are needed. Communicate openly with your colorectal surgeon and share every minute detail or query to get appropriate and timely treatment. This will help the doctor to know the whereabouts of the condition you are facing. Your doctor will ensure what problem you are suffering from. Visit the Safe surgery center for stomach-related problems and find a solution for living a better life.