What is The Best Treatment for Gastroparesis

Digestion can be severely hampered by gastroparesis, a disorder that affects the muscles and neurons of the stomach. This disorder, which causes the stomach to empty later than usual, can cause a range of symptoms. There are available many Top Gastroenterologist in Agra.

Symptoms of Gastroparesis:

  • Delayed Gastric Emptying

Even after modest meals, feeling full is a result of food being in the stomach for longer than usual.

  • Nausea and Vomiting

Frequent symptoms include intermittent vomiting and persistent nausea, especially after eating.

  • Abdominal Pain

Some people have mild or acute abdominal pain, which can get worse after eating.

  • Bloating

Delayed digestion often causes a feeling of bloating or distension in the abdomen.

Causes and Diagnosis:

Damage to the stomach muscles themselves or to the vagus nerve, which regulates the muscles of the intestines and stomach, is frequently the cause of gastroparesis. Common reasons include neurological conditions including Parkinson's disease, certain drugs, stomach or vagus nerve surgeries, and diabetes. In order to rule out other disorders and diagnose gastroparesis, diagnostic tests like endoscopy, stomach emptying studies, and imaging tests are performed in addition to a physical examination and medical history review.

Treatment Options:

  • Dietary Modifications

Changing the diet to incorporate smaller, less-fat and high-fiber meals more frequently can help alleviate symptoms. It might be simpler to digest liquids and pureed foods.

  • Medications

Prokinetic medications, such as domperidone and metoclopramide, are frequently administered to aid in improving stomach emptying and stimulating contractions. Antiemetics are medications that reduce nausea and vomiting.

  • Botulinum Toxin Injection

The pyloric sphincter, which regulates stomach emptying, can occasionally be directly injected with botulinum toxin to help in gastric emptying.


Although gastroparesis can cause difficulties in day-to-day living, prompt, individualized treatment can greatly reduce symptoms and enhance quality of life. You can search the Best Gastro Doctor in Agra. For those who live with this disorder, early diagnosis and care are essential to reducing complications and improving outcomes. Dr Karan R Rawat provides best treatment as a gastroenterologist at a safe surgery center.