How to Treat Bleeding in Hemorrhoids

Piles also known as Hemorrhoids, a swollen veins inside of your rectum or outside of your anus. It causes pain, itching, and rectal bleeding. Piles can often be improved with at-home treatments, whereas severe hemorrhoids needs medical procedures. Consuming more fiber can help prevent hemorrhoids.

When the area of hemorrhoids is severely damaged either due to rupture with hard tools or due to any other reason, they start bleeding. Most piles resolve on their own but some need proper treatment to get them removed and to stop recurrences of piles. If you notice any such symptoms, streaks on stools or bleeding near the anus consult Dr. Karan Rawat the best doctor of piles in Agra. He is a well-specialized surgeon and specialist that treats hemorrhoids within 3 to 5 days.

Home remedies provide temporary relief, the permanent solution for piles is to see a doctor and get the necessary treatment. Some of the relatively pain-free procedures such as:

  • Rubber band ligation where a rubber is tied at the base of the piles. The method cuts off the blood supply to the rest of the hemorrhoids.
  • Injection is injected into piles which helps to block the blood flow and results in shrinking.
  • A procedure called coagulation which causes little discomfort compared to other methods. Here a laser energy is applied at the base of the hemorrhoids that causes scarring and eventually shrink.

Other surgical treatment involves:

  • Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure that is performed to remove recurring hemorrhoids. For the healing process antibiotics and pain-relieving medicines are prescribed.
  • Hemorrhoid stapling is done to block blood flow to the tissues in hemorrhoids.

To prevent piles, keep your stools soft so they pass easily with no discomfort.

  • Eat high-fiber foods, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Drink lots of water and fluids to help keep stools soft.
  • Consume fiber supplements
  • Avoid sitting for too long, especially on the toilet.
  • Exercise more.