Understanding of Pathogenesis of Ventral Hernia

A ventral hernia is a pouch-like sac formed from the inner lining of your belly that pushes through a hole in the abdominal wall. It usually occurs at the site of an old surgical cut named an incisional hernia.

General anesthesia is given for this surgery, where the surgeon will make a cut in your abdomen and separate it from the tissues around it. The intestines are only cut off if they have been damaged or else will be pushed back into the abdomen. Stitches are used to repair the hole or weak spot caused by the hernia. A piece of mesh is placed over the weak area to make it stronger. This helps prevent the hernia from coming back.

Apart from this, your surgeon may also use a laparoscope to repair the hernia. It's a thin, lighted tube with a camera at the end. This helps the surgeon to see inside the belly. However, this procedure often heals faster with less pain and scarring.

Understanding of pathogenesis

Pathogenesis commonly known as primary hernias is multifactorial, involving non-modifiable factors like gender, age, anatomic variation and inheritance, and other modifiable factors like obesity and smoking.


This might be the case that the exact pathogenesis of PVH is not yet understood, but there are well-known risk factors associated with hernia formation which includes obesity, connective tissue disorders, extensive exercise involving heavy lifting, and chronic respiratory disease, whereas some of these factors increase intra-abdominal pressure and thus result in the protrusion of pre-peritoneal fat or peritoneum through weak points in the abdominal wall.


A surgical repair is provided where patients are asymptomatic, have high anesthetic risk or where the surgical risk is significant. This surgical repair can be sorted into laparoscopic versus open techniques and mesh suture repair. However, the option opted for depends on the clinical scenario which includes patient factors, surgeon and patient preference, availability of resources and surgical expertise. If you are concerned about this problem and want a reference connect with Dr. Karan R Rawat the best hernia specialist in Agra, he takes pride in providing the the finest treatment to patients with utmost care and also assures the highest standards of healthcare services.