Early Treatment of Hemorrhoids at Home and How to Cure it

In the early phase of piles, you don't need to be alarmed or see a doctor for quick ways to ease itching and pain. If you start noticing bright blood in your piles, don't panic try to stay calm because in most cases, there's nothing so serious. In various cases, bleeding is often caused by a small tear down in the rectal area or hard stools. You can take reference from Dr. Karan Rawat the best doctor of piles in Agra for any piles-related problems.

However, when it is the case of rectal bleeding, you need to know the reason to properly address & cure it. As discussed below we will find out the cause and natural treatments for your particular cases of piles bleeding.

Hemorrhoids treatment at home -

1. Sitz Bath

The remedy helps provide relief. One can soak in a bathtub or special equipment for the same with warm water for about 15 minutes at a time. Repeat the process two or three times a day. You can also wash the area with an unscented soap and ensure that don't scrub. Just pat gently afterward to dry.

2. Add a High-fiber diet

Rich fibrous food softens your stools and makes them move through your body easily. Add whole-grain bread, cereals, and fresh fruits & veggies. Include fiber supplements in your diet to avoid constipation.

3. Increase the intake of fluids

Drink lots of water as it helps to stay hydrated throughout the day. You can add juice and other liquid fluids as they are natural laxatives and will keep the stools soft.

4. Do regular exercise

Make a routine and walk for 20-30 minutes daily that helps to keep you from getting piles.

5. Painkillers

There are general medicines like acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen that help the symptoms of soreness.

6. Use cream to soothe pain

Witch hazel cream has no side effects that help provide relief to the affected region. It helps in the case of bleeding, discomfort, and pain.

7. Epsom salt treatment

The treatment is a lesser-known home remedy that helps in minimally invasive hemorrhoids. You can meet Dr. Karan Rawat the best Best Doctor of Piles in Agra. He is a well-specialized surgeon who treats patients with compassion and kindness.