Diet Plan to Fasten Your Anal Fissures Healing Journey

Anal fissures though not so serious condition, but needs early attention. It can affect people of any age and is mostly seen in infants and young children as this age group usually faces constipation. Anal fissures occur from passing dry or hard stools, it's a small tear form in the lining of the anus that causes pain and bleeding during bowel movements. Need assistance regarding anal fissures consult the best fissure doctor in Agra Dr. Karan Rawat and make your healing journey easy and convenient.

There are other causes of anal fissures such as constipation, straining, and inflammatory bowel disease. However, in a few cases, it can occur as a result of HIV, cancer, and tumors. It takes 4 to 6 weeks to heal anal fissures whereas proper diet and lifestyle modifications can prove to be beneficial and can reduce pain and complications linked with fissures.

Listed below are the foods to recover from anal fissures:

  • High-fiber foods such as cereals, brown rice, citrus fruits, and oat brain are rich in fiber.
  • Add raw, boiled vegetables, and fresh fruits that act as natural laxatives and help in passing smooth stools.
  • Drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water to help improve digestion. You can also add fluids like buttermilk, fruit juices, and soups that help in regular bowel movements.
  • Probiotic items can help in quick recovery like yogurt and fermented soybean products etc.
  • Include fibrous foods such as chia seeds, flax seeds, and green leafy vegetables that help in preventing constipation. To improve your digestive health eat fruits like apples, watermelon, and papaya which also help in digestion.

Foods to avoid during anal fissure

  • Red chilies and spicy foods are to be avoided as they aggravate the pain and burning sensation while passing stools and worsen anal fissure symptoms.
  • Mixed pulses like urad dal, rajma dal, and sabu dal are not good for fissures as they increase pain and cause infection.
  • Avoid junk foods, and dairy products and also limit the intake of alcohol, caffeine, and aerated drinks.

You can also consult a fissure doctor in Agra Dr. Karan Rawat that specializes in treating anal fissures with the best medication.