6 Essential Self Help Tips for Hemorrhoids Pain

Hemorrhoids can be a painful and rather embarrassingly common ailment, at least for those who have experienced it. They develop if the blood vessels in the rectal area are irritated and downtown, therefore causing pain, itching and discomfort. There are available many Best Doctor for Piles in Agra.

1. Increase Fiber Intake

A health tip to care for the hemorrhoids is to try and follow a high fiber diet, so that you can have smooth bowel movement. Fiber assists in making the stool bulky and so not very compact to strain during the bowel movement.

2. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is very important for the digestive system. If a person takes a lot of water, it is easier for the bowel to move along the alimentary canal and help make movement regular. Piles Specialist Doctor in Agra provides you the best treatment.

3. Practice Good Toilet Habits

Do not attempt to push strained during bowel movement because this is likely to worsen the situation concerning hemorrhoids. Do not make a hasty decision during this read.

4. Warm Sitz Baths

Sitz baths may help bring hemorrhoid relief within the first few minutes of use. Human should try to take bath with warm water at least 10-15 minutes several times in a day especially when you are easing yourself to defecate.

5. Use Over-the-Counter Treatments

Acighbouring hemorrhoids at home can be alleviated by several over the counter creams or ointments that are readily available.

6. Incorporate Regular Exercise

Physical activity maintains proper digestion and hinder constipation which are known to cause hemorrhoids. Ideally, the goal should be to spend at least thirty minutes exercising at a moderate intensity most days in the week.


It is essential to know that hemorrhoids themselves are never pleasurable, but following these self-help tips should lessen pain. Patients are advised to seek the opinion of a doctor especially when the symptoms seem to get worse. Dr Karan R Rawat is Best Doctor for Piles in Agra at a safe surgery center.