Natural Remedies for Treating Fistula
Fistula is a painful and sometimes embarrassing condition that refers to the permanently established communication between two organs or a tissue and an organ or an organ and the skin. The mild fistulas which do not call for medical attention can be eased by home treatments which help in easing the symptoms, preventing infections as well as encouraging healings. There are many fistula doctors in agra.
Understanding Fistula
A fistula is caused by an infection in the body that leads to formation of abscess, inflammation and tissue necrosis. Although these treatments can help to reduce pain, do not self diagnose and seek medical attention if the symptoms persist. You can easily find the best fistula doctor in agra.
Home Remedies for Fistula
A warm sitz bath is one of the easiest means through which discomfort and healing can be achieved. Cleansing the affected region in warm water for about 10-15 minutes, three to four times daily minimizes inflammation, clears the area and decreases the pain.
Sulphur which forms a major component of turmeric is reported to possess anti-inflammatory and anti–microbial properties. There is curcumin in it and this may be effective in decreasing inflammation and even combating infection.
Fiber rich diet help in having easy bowel movements hence there is no pressure on the damaged area. It is equally important to avoid constipation so incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes in your meals.
Fistula is sometimes manageable by home remedies in people who experience it in a mild manner. But do not forget that fistulas usually need medical intervention to heal completely. These are home remedies and should not in any way be used to replace doctors and the prescription they give to their patients. Dr Karan R Rawat is an experienced fistula doctor at a safe surgery center.