Comprehensive Guide to External Hemorrhoids or Piles
External hemorrhoids, more familiarly called piles, are a condition that affects veins located beneath the skin at the anus. Some can cause discomfort, pain as well as itching to millions of people across the globe. Piles Specialist in Agra give you the best treatment.
What Are External Hemorrhoids?
External hemorrhoids are a type of hemorrhoidal illness that develops around the anal opening external to the anal canal. While internal hemorrhoids form inside the rectum, external hemorrhoids are easily felt as skin-felt masses around the rectum region. They are often more symptomatic because of their location and they are sensitive.
Common Causes
The external hemorrhoids result from pressures acting on the rectal tissue leading to swelling of the veins. Constipation is worsened by straining when passing stools. Sitting for lengthy time or more often on the hard surface comfortably puts pressure on the rectal veins. There are many Best Doctor of Piles in Agra.
External hemorrhoid diagnosis usually does not present a challenge, and the physician may examine the patient externally. Sometimes, your doctor will advise you to undergo other tests to determine whether you are suffering from other ailments such as anal fissures or even colorectal cancer.
When to See a Doctor
In case you have the following, it is advisable to seek medical help: severe pain, abundant bleeding or when the symptoms have not stabilized even with home remedies. High fiber diet should be a goal in every individual’s diet to help in avoiding constipating and to help in avoiding developing hemorrhoids.
Frequently, these are exterior hemorrhoids that may be conveniently treated. With the right lotion, proper timely checkup and adopting habits that discourage the occurrence of the symptoms, one can overcome the ailments. Dr Karan R Rawat is a qualified Piles Specialist at a safe surgery center.