Preventing and Managing Anal Fissures During Winter and Essential Tips for Care
Winter is not friendly to our body. Sometimes some health complications are worse during the winter season. Fissures are small tears in the lining of the anus, and can be made worse in winter because skin can become dry, one can become dehydrated, and one’s diet can change. There are many fistula doctor in agra.
Understanding Anal Fissures
An anal fissure may be defined as a break in the ano-rectal mucosa which results in pain, bleeding and discomfort on defecation. During winter, there are various factors that may exacerbate or cause these problems and this gives a higher tendency of anal fissures. You can easily find the best fistula doctor in agra.
Why Are Anal Fissures More Common in Winter?
In winter, it becomes easier for skin to crack and tear because the cold environment robs it of moisture. The skin in the area immediately surrounding the anus is quite sensitive and will not tocuh the mirror at all.
In winter, many individuals consume fewer fluids, and therefore they have hardships in passing motion and get prone to develop fissures.
Stress from cold can lead to change of diet from carbohydrate-based and low-fiber foods to confort foods in the cold season can therefore hardnenthe stool.
Prevention Tips for Anal Fissures in Winter
Use warm water to take water rich foods such as teas and soups to enhance fluid intake and relaxed digestion. It maybe necessary to take fiber supplements where the diet is deficient. Practice walking, especially yoga, or any light exercise which stimulates bowel movement.
It means that you do not have to continue suffering all winter. Nonetheless, anal fissures are treatable through designs and changes in care, hygiene, and water intake. Dr Karan R Rawat is a qualified fistula doctor at a safe surgery center.