Understanding Grade 1 Fatty Liver and its Symptoms Causes Treatments and Dietary Advice
Fatty liver disease shares the name hepatic steatosis and happens when fat stores increase beyond healthy levels in liver organs. Doctors call Grade 1 Fatty Liver a subtle fat buildup in the liver during its initial stages. This early stage fatty liver appears harmless but can develop into serious liver disease if not treated. There are many Liver Specialist in Agra.
What is Grade 1 Fatty Liver?
Grade 1 fatty liver is the first step of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) which affects people who drink or do not drink alcohol. During the initial stage fat accumulation in the liver cells stays at a harmless level without affecting its performance. You can easily find the best Liver Specialist in Agra.
Treatment for Grade 1 Fatty Liver
Grade 1 fatty liver shows up first in liver disease but showing up early means you still have a chance to treat it and stop its progression. To treat fatty liver it is important to address metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and obesity because these conditions frequently appear together.
Preventing Grade 1 Fatty Liver
Simple changes to daily habits usually solve basic cases of fatty liver. Stick to low amounts of saturated fats, trans fats, and added sugars in your regular diet. Strive to consume the right amount of calories for your body weight. Weight loss needs to happen slowly because quick weight loss might damage liver conditions instead of helping them.
Patients need to change their lifestyle immediately to overcome fatty liver stage 1. Managing the condition becomes easier when you catch it early and combine diet changes with stable lifestyle habits. Talk to your healthcare provider if you think you have fatty liver or have relatives who do because they will provide specific care recommendations for you. Dr Karan R Rawat is a qualified Liver Specialist at a safe surgery center.