Sudden Loss of Appetite and Causes Concerns and When to Seek Help

People with normal robust eating habits should be concerned by drastic appetite reduction. In most cases hunger fluctuations happen yet persistent or severe appetite loss should trigger a medical evaluation. There are many Gastroenterologistin agra.

Common Causes of Sudden Appetite Loss

1. Stress and Anxiety

Stressful emotions like anxiety together with depression and stress can turn off your hunger feeling. When the body activates its fight-or-flight response it usually decreases appetite due to stress.

2. Illness or Infection

Certain temporary illnesses including influenza, common cold and stomach infections result in decreased appetite. The hunger suppression can persist for a long time when a person has severe infections or chronic health conditions.

3. Medications

Medications such as antibiotics and antidepressants as well as chemotherapy pharmaceuticals have been found to alter appetite in patients. Look for side effects in your recent medication start-up if you have initiated new medication.

4. Gastrointestinal Issues

Food intake becomes unpleasant when suffering from acid reflux together with IBS and gastritis and ulcers which ultimately decrease food cravings. You can easily find the best Gastrointestinalin agra.

When to Be Concerned

Short-term appetite loss itself is generally safe although extended lack of appetite needs medical attention for identifying underlying health concerns. Appetite loss which continues beyond several days requires medical attention because its condition stays unchanged. You experience unintended weight loss. You can recover appetite function through body signal observation and taking health-promoting actions for overall well-being improvement.


Primary loss of appetite often develops as an expected body reaction to stressful events or sickness and medicinal drugs. A healthcare professional should be consulted about a continuously persistent loss of appetite or when additional symptoms appear. Dr Karan R Rawat is an experienced gastroenterologist at a safe surgery center.