When Should You Be Concerned About Blood in Your Stool

Stool bleeding can cause concerning feelings among people yet its presence does not always mean a life-threatening illness exists. The presence of blood in stool becomes noticeable due to two main factors: either hemorrhoids or a dangerous medical condition below the surface. There are many proctologist doctor in Agra.

Types of Blood in Stool

Bright red blood:

Bleeding in the lower digestive tract including the rectum or anus shows through dark or black-colored stools. The symptoms reflect bleeding within the rectal or anal area because of hemorrhoids, anal fissures or inflammatory situations.

Dark red or maroon blood:

The results indicate bleeding occurs in the upper parts of the digestive tract starting from the colon to the small intestine.

Black, tarry stool (melena):

Bleeding throughout the stomach and esophagus produces this indication in patients. The presence of ulcers or gastritis disease causes this condition.

Common Causes of Blood in Stool


Inflammation of rectal or anal blood vessels leads to the appearance of bright red blood during bathroom activities. These swollen blood vessels occur frequently in the population yet most cases remain harmless.

Anal Fissures

A person may start bleeding from tiny tears in the anus which develop primarily because of straining or consistent constipation. You can easily find the best proctologist doctor in Agra.


The presence of diverticula in the colon episodes both inflammation and bleeding which results in dark red blood passing through stool.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Body inflammation due to Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis results in gastrointestinal bleeding and diarrhea with associated abdominal discomfort.


Any case of bloody stool requires immediate medical attention particularly when it becomes lasting or when paired with additional symptoms. A few of these bleeding causes can be harmless but others necessitate medical care. Dr Karan R Rawat is a good proctologist doctor at a safe surgery center.