5 Signs You Need To See a Gastro Surgeon

It is common for us to ignore little medical irregularities that could develop into serious illnesses in the future if left addressed. Our digestive problems could be one such aberration, and if we decide to live with them, they could multiply into another harmful state.

If you're suffering from stomach pain that won't go away or rectal bleeding, you should schedule an appointment with a top gastroenterologist in Agra.

Abnormalities in Bowel Movements

The condition of the stomach could be greatly impacted by a notable shift in the frequency or volume of bowel movements, which would raise the risk. Pale or light-colored feces, diarrhea, increased gas, and constipation may be the main symptoms. It's time to end these circumstances and steer in the direction of a positive trend.


The skin and whites of the eyes quickly turn pale yellow with this type of jaundice. An excess of bilirubin in the blood is what causes this. The liver or blood issues are to blame, encompassing a wide range of conditions such as hemolytic anemia, gallstones, and inflamed bile ducts.

Having trouble swallowing meals

Dysphagia prevents a person from adequately breaking down their food. If you have a troublesome condition that makes swallowing harder for you than it currently is, put your worries to rest and schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist immediately. Among other things, neurological conditions or acid reflux could be the cause of this.

Continual heartburn

If you are concerned about the health of your heart and feel uneasy about it, your first line of action should be to call a Best Gastro Doctor in Agra. Ignoring severe heartburn might lead to dangerous and unhealthy situations from which you would take a very long time to recover. Therefore, see a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. Dr Karan R Rawat is Safe Surgery Center is committed to providing our patients with the highest quality and affordable treatments.