Anal Fissure and Its Symptoms

The term anal fissure is a small cut or tear in the lining of the anus. It usually occurs when passing large or hard stools. Chronic constipation or frequent diarrhea causes cracks in the skin. This crack causes severe pain and some bright red bleeding during and after bowel movements. Most fissures heal with self-care and it isn't usually a serious condition. Fissure doctor in Agra Dr.Karan Rawat provides timely care and the finest medical treatment to the patients. Visit the Safesurgery center for fissure-related issues.

In some cases, people feel pain with an anal fissure. This usually happens when pooping which lasts for minutes to several hours. The pain reaches the buttocks, upper thighs or lower back. In such cases, fissures continue in a vicious cycle leaving a persistent wound. If this happens to go too long without healing, it can lead to further complications such as:

1. Fecal impaction

2. Anal Stenosis

3. Anal fistula

Symptoms of Anal fissure -

A few common symptoms are:

1. Severe pain when pooping.

2. Burning sensation or itching with pooping.

3. Fresh red bleeding in your stool.

4. Anal muscle spasms

5. Cramp around the anus

6. Small skin tag near the anal fissure.

If you are worried about how to prevent anal fissures, they can be prevented by eating high-fiber food, exercising regularly, and drinking lots of water. Following these tips will help in digestion and bowel health.

It is recommended to clean your bottom gently after going to the toilet. Other practices help the area heal, by using a sitz bath or taking stool softeners. If the case is serious doctor may advise medication or medical procedure. Prolonged conditions may need surgery, and other underlying disorders are diagnosed to find the cause of anal fissure.

Seek guidance from Dr. Karan Rawat who provides a gamut of services like laparoscopic surgery, and other abdominal surgeries. He is a qualified and highly skilled surgical expert and the best fissure doctor in Agra who uses advanced minimally invasive techniques to cure the condition.