A Proper Food Diet Can Do Wonders for Piles Patients

If we talk about what haemorrhoids are? It is a medical condition that causes the veins around the rectum and lower anus to swell. There are a few symptoms of piles that include pain and severe discomfort during and after passing stools. You may also find painful lumps in and around the anus and bloody stools. Piles specialist doctor in Agra Dr. Karan Rawat aims to treat patients with non-surgical procedures wherein the patient can get back to his normal course of action in a few days.

Haemorrhoids symptoms can sometimes be easily missed and are not always detectable. Whereas, with surgical procedures, piles can be removed. If the condition is not that severe doctor may suggest prescriptions, lifestyle changes and dietary changes that will help you cope with the condition in the best possible way.

Here in this blog, we will shed light on the different types of food one should have if one wants to deal with haemorrhoids more effectively.

1. Legumes -

It's important to have enough fiber in your diet daily, this will help reduce the chances of piles flare-ups. Taking soluble fiber helps in the digestive tract and can be digested by friendly bacteria. Beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, and peanuts are loaded with fiber which will prove to be beneficial.

2. Broccoli and other Cruciferous Vegetables -

Cruciferous vegetables contain a plant chemical that easily breaks down by gut bacteria, thus promoting easy stool passing and helping minimize symptoms of a new flare of piles.

3. Citrus fruits -

These fruits have ample water content that softens stools.

4. Bell Peppers -

Bell peppers add fiber to your diet as they are very hydrating and help in clearing stool.

What to Avoid?

1. Avoid processed meats that are cold-cut low in fiber and also have sodium content.

2. Dairy products like milk, cheese and cream should be neglected.

3. Fried foods, snacks, and salty foods are difficult to digest and cause trouble while excreting.

4. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

If you need detailed information of and instructions to cure your piles problem consult Dr. Karan Rawat the best piles doctor in Agra.